Saturday, March 30, 2013

Toight like a toiger

My blog is boring, I can never seem to be bothered to make the effort to write anything. It happens every damn time. I love doing Aussie Curves but can never do it unless I do it in spurts.

Facebook knows whats going on and so does instagram so if your not following @slepoidevin you should be. I also made a fb page called Made By Steph as my place to specifically share my furniture design journey. I have 80 something likes and try not to bombard people with useless statuses as that's what my main page is for haha it's primarily photo albums of my work / assessments as they progress.

For those who don't follow me I'll go thru and explain some of the glorious things I post of instagram, in no particular order.

I live in Launceston, Tasmania, at the Bottom of Australia, its getting damn cold already

I rocked out (around the house) in my new fluffy slippers from my nephew, dress I picked up at the PSFWA clothes swap and a super comfy cardi / jumper/ amazingthing from 17 Sundays. I like taking photos next to this pic but I don't drink tea...

Bought a cupboard to hold all my blankies and sheets on one side and uni stationary on the other. Added a pin board and ta da, perfect fit and only $25 from Gumtree.

Had friends over last friday for my Friday Fiesta. Friday is my night to cook (as well as wednesday) so I gave it a theme so I knew what to cook and people can come join if they bring a donation of food or money.

Went out

Emily and I drove to Hobart to watch our lecturer and others talk at a Symposium for 10 Days on the Island about Public Seating. For me, that's interesting, not for most. Only problem was we left Launceston at 6:30 am, got to the Town hall at 9:30am, started at 10.
2x 30min lectures then morning tea, 2x 30 min lectures then lunch, 2x 30 min lectures then afternoon tea, 2x 30 min lectures then it was 3:30 and we had to leave. Sadly I was SO TIRED from driving the whole way that I had to skip out on the last lecture and go wake up a bit.

 So I came down and hopped in one of the public seating displays and chilled, then lady wanted to take my photos for the display that would happen the next day. No make up tired as hell. This is me. Then I drove home. Emily drove for a bit so I could have a quick nap then I drove the rest of the way. Got to LAunceston at 6:30pm, dropped emily at the gym, I went to my first Tassie AFS meeting for my exchange program I was involved in, in 2006. Go home by 9pm. 

 On Monday Molly had a model due for History, we stayed up til 2 making it. She got terrible non constructive feedback and we both werent happy. 

 Realise this box has been in my room for months and I find it hilarious.

 Took some photos when I remember. This was for a busy day back and forwards between the workshop and lectures and tutes.

 Found this stuck on a toilet at uni, thought it was funny.

 Spent time checking out my tummy and how much sucking it in can help

 Went to a party, the guys played super mario then went to town.

Got quoted on getting my hair did, far too exxy so I decided to DIY

 Turned out pretty well, am putting the purple thru the ends tonight. Hence why I'm Toight like a Toiger!!

Had to do some readings for History, this one is by Adolf Loos in 1908, love it.

Well thats it for me today, I now have to upload more photos to Made By Steph!

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